What? Whoa! A Post!

Yeah, kinda forgot my password... several times, and then got annoyed.

Soooo, I have new crap to post, like plushies and pin-ups, which I've been working on over the summer. I sold one of the plushies too, felt very happy about that!

Just a quickie

Yeah, this didn't take long. Must have taken under an hour since my PC restarts around that time, lol.

I drew this from a stock image, so credit to whoever took that photograph. The head's too big, but 'eeeeey.

I have an interview at a design company for a work experience placement. If they like my stuff enough, there's a chance of getting a job there, which I really hope I manage to get.

New Plushies

Tried a couple of different patterns this time around.

Did a total chibi-style plushie of Salazar from Resident Evil 4, because I adore that character, but he's all naked until I can find the correct type of fabric for his outfit. Really don't want to use (blue) velvet-See what I did there?

Annnnd then the button eye dudette is one I did today with the intention of using in a stop-motion-animation. She's called Soda Pop, lol.

Etsy Items

Not sure if anyone is interested, but I'm selling some plushies over at Etsy, and eventually some artwork.

Here are the links to the listings:




I really wish I would improve at photoshop. I feel like I'm not really getting any better, it sucks balls. I'm just going to sit my ass down and spend the entire day on one picture until I'm satisfied that it looks decent.

The only thing I can say I've gotten better at is the actual time it takes to produce a coloured piece.

Major plushie spam!

Trash, the Zombie...





For my best friend...

Beatrix, a.k.a 'Trix'...


Hmmm, all I've been doing is making plushies lately, it's killing my back. Seven opf these are mine, but one I made for my best friend, but until I get back home I'll be looking after him, heh heh.

Thought I'd try making the images look at least somewhat decent (despite my camera sucking balls). So there ya go...

Plushie Spam

I actually made two plushies today, lmao. I'm suddenly in a very productive mood. It's nice since I've had a huge art block for months now, and although plushies aren't really illustration, they're at least creative.

I'm going to attempt to make a big one if I can get the right fabrics tomorrow.

Anywho, the ginger one is Trix, and the bunny one is Sander. Bioshock fans will no doubt get the connection between the name and the outfit, lol.

And I included a little group shot too. Because I'm sad and have nothing better to do... And plus, Borderlands is annoying me a little right now, heh heh.

Man, dormitory desks are ugly...

Lady GaGa... and Rita

Aw man, I had to make myself a GaGa plushie, it just demanded to be done. Needs work, especially on the glasses, but I'm pretty pleased with how she came out! I'm gonna start practicing different ways of making plushies soon, try out some bigger ones, and different patterns etc...

Rita: the Unhappy Button Child

Didn't take too long to make, and I'm quite pleased with it. I need to take into account stitching techniques ready for the next one, and take care to avoid getting hot glue all over my fingers... because it hurts like a bitch.

I followed this tutorial http://lori-la-tortuga.deviantart.com/art/CHIBI-PLUSH-TUTORIAL-101728424

On a different subject, I'm extremely relieved that the first year of university is pretty much over, not only because I now have spare time to just flop about like a potatoe, but it means that hopefully there will be some sort of a step-up in how the course runs. I feel that the first year was a bit of an unorganized mess, and a waste of most of the money spent on it, but fingers crossed that the second year is where it's at.

Monster Munch project

Finally, I've finished this. Geez, was it annoying... Erm, so, the idea was a promotional pack, and a 'mystery' advertising campaign. Most of my time was spent on the promotional pack, which included a caffeine/sugar box as a sort of aide to students pulling an all-nighter, a note-book, a keyring of one of the characters, character envelopes, and Pickles the plushie XD

It's probably swayed a little from the actual brief, and what the tutor wanted, but my excuse is that I was absent, lol.

Yup, another WIP...

Sorry about the terrible quality of the photograph. I can't actually find my camera, so I'm using my phone. It's a lot brighter in real life.

Well, this is my final for one of my university rotations. It's supposed to combine fashion and an urban, grungey kind of look. It's also supposed to look like it's a grafitti design, which I think I managed to pull off, at least somewhat, lol.

Um, yeah... even though it's flat, it's a bitch to paint due to its scale and my limited space.

More WIP

I wanted to try another comic in a cute, cartoony style, since it's fun to do. I also thought I'd try working on something in A3. As yet, I'm unsure whether to go ahead with it as a comic, or to create a graphic novel/picture book, with an emphasis on typographic design...

Digestive Can

This is one of my images for a body parts project. It's fun working on drink cans, but I don't suggest drinking from it once it's been painted... I made that mistake earlier, it was nasty.

Sense of Place

Andrew Foster Lecture

I attended a lecture by the illustrator Andrew Foster today. I wasn't really that interested in his work all that much, but it was a really great experience to hear him talk. He was very blunt about a lot of things, and I actually started to appreciate his work and the symbolism involved. A lot of it was blatantly sexual, and he said as much himself, but yeah... it was enlightening to hear a professional illustrator speak his mind about things.


New... again

Well, I lost the details to my other (new) account so I decided to start another, heh. I guess I should post a few images that I'm working on for a series of comics and possibly novels, called Alex in Merveilles. None of them are finished yet, but I've always been interested to see the process of an person's illustrations, and I'm sure I'm not alone in that. Well, the idea for the story is very much inspired by Alice in Wonderland, and involves a kid with a huuuge head looking for his dead brother in the Realm of the Imagination (yeah, South Park gave me that idea, I can't lie). And along the way he encounters some very odd people, including a sane Hatter and his rabbit-girl minder, and the Sisters of Fate, who seem determined to rope him in as the world's hero. Um... yeah, I'll not say anymore, heh.