Forbidden Planet robs me of money...
Follow the Leader (lines)
If Resident Evil 2 were like Dead Rising, I'd make my first objective be all about saving Ben, 'cause he was awesome.
Gah! Need to be more active!
I love blogs, I really really do, and it sucks that I've been such a pissant with my own. From now on I'm going to be more active with this. I have a few new things to post, but I'm aiming to turn this into something of a dumping ground for trying to better my current illustrative skills. Which means I intend to do quite a lot of studies, and not so many finished pieces. Need to get a better grasp of anatomy and digital painting.

What? Whoa! A Post!
Yeah, kinda forgot my password... several times, and then got annoyed.
Soooo, I have new crap to post, like plushies and pin-ups, which I've been working on over the summer. I sold one of the plushies too, felt very happy about that!
Just a quickie
Yeah, this didn't take long. Must have taken under an hour since my PC restarts around that time, lol.
I drew this from a stock image, so credit to whoever took that photograph. The head's too big, but 'eeeeey.
I have an interview at a design company for a work experience placement. If they like my stuff enough, there's a chance of getting a job there, which I really hope I manage to get.
New Plushies
Tried a couple of different patterns this time around.
Did a total chibi-style plushie of Salazar from Resident Evil 4, because I adore that character, but he's all naked until I can find the correct type of fabric for his outfit. Really don't want to use (blue) velvet-See what I did there?
Annnnd then the button eye dudette is one I did today with the intention of using in a stop-motion-animation. She's called Soda Pop, lol.